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der butz
S3 licensed
Ati card is more than you'd need, board is also cool.

Please, dear fanboys, just because you have a GeForce card it does NOT mean EVERYONE has to get one. And for the board, I have taken a msi p35 neo2-fr (about 70€, 45-40 pounds), just because it had the same specs than a gigabyte one but was cheaper.
My cooler of choice was a thermaltake bigtyp 120, that one is HUGE but without overclocking my e6550 my idle/load temps are at 27/35°C.
For your virus/firewall programs I'd say there are quite good freeware solutions around. That way you can save a bit and invest in other hardware. :-)
Vista is not my kind of thing, but i'm too biased to say something here :-) see 2nd sentence.


der butz
Last edited by der butz, .
der butz
S3 licensed
We'd have to get a ts server with 1000 slots :-)

Aaaah, sometimes I just LOVE spamming around in a useless thread!

BTW: I'll not shave my beard ujntil it's longer than Dru's :-)


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
aw, that similey makes me sad....

I hereby give the lead back :-(....


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
As butz I hereby join team promotech and immediately start a mutiny!!!!! HARRRR! I am the new legitimate leader of promotech!
whoever tries to take the lead the same way as I did will get decapitated and hung on a tree!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
aaw, alright then :-)

Greetz to the man from the west! Orgi, I think the nearest akw is Gundremmingen... but SSHT!11!! don't tell anyone!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed

Hair in Butzes face grown for half an inch in just ONE WEEK!
Slowest Concept Racing member states the growth has not been initiated by any doping agents, nor the fact he lives 500kms near a nuclear power plant.

See more exciting details HERE


der beard....eeeerm butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Quote from LordBlaster :gratz to your excellent staffing policy

Please keep in mind that by sacking me CR WOULD have a much lower yellow flag level :-) And atm it's quite easy to find new drivers with OVER 3000 Points XD


der slowestmemberofconceptracingandf***inproudofitbutz
der butz
S3 licensed
butthole setup field = public shower giving out free soap :-)


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
erm... can you remove the clamps too? try unscrewing them, maybe that's what still holds it together.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
What's with "use your brakes"??????

Since I don't have much time to race, I sometimes use lfs as some kind of television. I just watch ctra banger races or something else interesting.
The sentence "use your mirrors" is often said by guys who crash into others because they themselves broke too late! How stupid is that? If I'm in the midfield, braking into t1, people BEHIND me have to take care not to crash into me!
Usually it's the responsibility of the racer behind to watch what's going on in front. When I overtake, I have to take care, not the guy being overtaken! Sure it's common sense to be careful any time.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Achtung Baby,

all this guy wants from us is attention. In every second post he talks about how many people read this thread. He might not be a narcissist (sp?) but he definately gets a stiffy everytime he looks at the counter next to his thread.

This explains how a weirdo with no on-topic knowledge, no higher aim and definately with a fierce brain disease can become famous... supported by people who have neither a life nor take that guy serious in any way.

This happens every day! Just watch TV!


der butz

PS: I smile and so should you!
der butz
S3 licensed
Sounds like the daydream of some false prophet.... who wants to write a book and found a religious group like scientology, based on stupid ideologies with physical backgrounds a ten-year-old could easily falsify...

My inferior brain senses that you're really having fun writing those lines, so go on, live on :-)


der spaghettimonsterbutz
der butz
S3 licensed
thst's what came into my mind :-)
der butz
S3 licensed

Please mate, stop it!

This is soooo funny.

Do me a favour and post a story here, about what you want (e.g. how you've been kidnapped by aliens or how life is in mental hospital or sth. )
I'd LOVE to read it, I really really do!


der droolbutz
der butz
S3 licensed
I really wonder who the hell let the cage open again...

You shouldn't become a writer, you should be caged and never let out again :-)
Usually I don't join such conversations, but this thread is something different... it's good toilet fun!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
New theory:

ALL of you, including lerts, live TOGETHER where there is no sun but many rivers of stinky brown water. You get some green dry stuff in little plastic bags through the gully each day. You light the stuff and inhale because it makes the underground world a fair bit brighter AND more colourful.
Since your throats have become dry from smoking, you've found a new way to talk to each other.... the lfs forums! Finally a way to express yourselves!!
Now maybe it's time to tell you guys that there IS a world above yours!

But it also smells awful, so stay down there and we keep enjoying the show :-)


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
How much is a thrustmaster rally gt pro in your area/currency?
I've got mine for about 3 years now, still working bloody great, silent, exact, pedals are still fine. 270°, 3 pedals, MUCH sturdier than the dfp.


der butz
Happy new year!
der butz
S3 licensed
We wish you a happy new year! Drive fast, live long, stay connected and get filthy f***ing rich!!!!
We'd like to thank everyone who supported and still supports us and every friend who raced with us. We're really looking forward to racing, chatting and argueing with you again in 2008!


der butz
S3 licensed
I'd go and ban the whole team "for life", then I'd take of vote-bans. These only allow idiots to be cruel and don't lead to anything good.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Since many many people are driving the baby-R atm I think we could do a uf1-league first. Atm There are too many people who wouldn't take a baby-R league serious enough.
And since Stonestreet, Falke and others had big fun and great fights, I'd also say they HAVE to be automatically qualified... let's see what the new year brings :-)


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
I don't know if it helps, but first you could try pressing shift-c to re-detect your wheel ingame. I once had that problem with a modded saitek-ff wheel and pressing these keys helped sometimes. If not then you might have to uninstall your drivers and remove that logi profiler thingy. Be sure EVERYTHING driver-related is gone, use crap cleaner or some other reg-cleaner tool for that.
If the problem still occures it might be some other Problem.


der hope-it-helps butz
der butz
S3 licensed
I'll throw in some fish food:

"UF 1000" AND "XF baby G"!

how 'bout that?

Imo we need something special, by allowing an XFbaby-R version in the fallout cup it would just be a slower version of the famous UXRL league, 0 points for being original.


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Best wishes to Adam from Concept racing!
He's a great racer, a very nice guy to talk to, and he has finally found a team that can support him in his league life. I'm looking forward to meeting you guys and have a race or two!


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
I'd say go with John then :-)

He speaks english, was not involved in racing itself and you can trust him. I wouldn't want to speak on a german broadcast version, since I'm schwäbisch, you know that doesn't sound too well :-)


der butz
der butz
S3 licensed
Mine is "shu shu" since it fits perfectly for front and rear plate :-)
Never changed it since I've got s1, except when I've been forced by some funny league admin/team member :-)